Go | Opportunities
For more than 35 years, Pioneers’ passion has been to see God glorified among those who are physically and spiritually isolated from the gospel of Jesus Christ—from Muslim bedouins in the deserts of North Africa and animist villagers in the jungles of South America to secular humanists in Eastern Europe and middle-class Buddhist urbanites in the sprawling cities of East Asia.

Opportunities | The Next Step
Explore a selection of our Short Term, Mid-Term and Long Term Opportunities.
Below are a sample of opportunities. Want to explore further or have an idea for ministry that is unique to your gifting?
Give | Support & Needs
Giving Options and Opportunities
Today, 2.9 billion people are from languages and cultures where there is no church. In response, Pioneers sends church-planting teams to serve among these 7000-plus people groups. Your financial support of our sending office, global projects and missionaries helps equip and sustain these men and women as they persevere in the face of persecution and hardship.

Opportunities | The Next Step
Learning about the unreached
Seeking opportunities to serve among the unreached? Looking for ways to invest financial resources to advance the kingdom of God? Researching ideas for your church’s missions outreach? If so, we welcome you to explore our growing archive of videos, stories and photos documenting what God is doing around the world through Pioneers’ missionaries, national partners and sending churches.

Ready to start your journey to the unreached?
We are here to help you discern where God is leading and guide you in the next steps.